Isnin, 12 Januari 2009


dengan keberadaan ku di kuala terengganu yang dipenuhi oleh manusia yang suka perli ini, kadang2 aku terfikir betapa kata-kata bukan setakat menyakitkan hati, malah lebih dari itu...adalah lebih baik menjadi orang yang gagap daripada menaji dengan orang dengan kata-kata yang 'dalam' maksudnya...dalam la, sakit.

bukan semua, mana2 tempat pon mesti ada orang yang macam tu. tapi di sabah, jarang ada orang yang perli...asik2 nak berhentam terus.jarang la pakai cakap ni...sebab bila ada di sabah, 'anggota' pon ramai...tak payah susah2 nak menabur kata-kata perli ni...

masih lagi dalam situasi dimana aku cuba menyesuaikan diri di tempat orang, atau secara umum nya semenanjung...empat tahun berada di sabah menyebabkan aku 'sedikit' hilang kesemenanjungan itu...orang semenanjung ni, orang jawa cakap la...very unforgiving because they tend to look at what you have done wrong...

macam pilihanraya kecil ni, bukan semua orang cari salah pihak lawan, tapi 'the cultural upbringing' menyebabkan hampir semua orang cari salah orang...suka betul, tak tau ape yang seronok sangat mengomen salahnya orang...

ya, bagus tegur dengan kata2 daripada tegur menggunakan penumbuk atau ruas siku...tapi bukan semua orang tahan dengan kritikan melampau dan pedas...kadang2 tak masuk akal pon..tapi itulah kita. aku suka kritik, tapi aku rasa aku masih tau batas nya, norma kita orang timur yang penuh dengan kiasan ikhlas.

banyak sebenarnya nak cerita...tapi tak tahu nak mula dimana...cuaca lagi, kes menumpang di rumah member yang baru seminggu kenal...kes dengan dua orang adik perempuan nya yang kekadang membuatkan mana2 lelaki pon berasa malu untuk tinggal serumah...kes satu famili yang tidak merokok...

aku bukan sempurna, tapi tak salah mencari kesempurnaan itu...walaupun bukan dalam diri aku sendiri, Insya ALLAH, mukin dalam diri orang lain yang rapat dengan aku...'practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect'...fikir2 kan lah~

Isnin, 5 Januari 2009

holy s*'re jar-jar binks!!

happy new year...sory kepada semua yang menunggu post baru dalam blog tak tentu hala ni...bukan ape, sibuk pelik ditambah dengan 'lack of connectivity' kepada dunia luar menyebabkan blog ni 'dorman' sekejap...

tahun baru, bahasa baru...aku rase dah sampai masenye nak taip dalam bahasa melayu...patriotik sket la kunun...tapi bukan bahasa melayu baku la, rase macam skema je. walaupon ramai yang cakap aku skema semenjak berkacamata ni, biaq pi la depa...skali aku terajang baru depa tau..

takdak apa yang menarik pon dalam blog ni, malas dah nak 'menaji' orang dalam blog ni...ALLAH kurniakan kita akal untuk berfikir dan tulang empat kerat untuk bertindak...tapi tak ramai yang bole gune kan sume tu untuk kepentingan sendiri, apatah lagi untuk kepentingan negara, bangsa dan agama.

aku skang berada di terengganu...tak payah la nak di terang kan aku buat ape kat sni...yang slalu baca blog ni tau dah aku buat ape...terengganu ni orang cakap, islamic nye hebat macam kelantan jugak la..aku tengok xda pon sgt2 macam kelantan, biase2 je...lagi satu tak ramai orang terengganu ni yang tak sombong...ada2 je pe'el nye..tapi tak pe la, bak kata malique too phat, "masuk tempat orang bawak otak bukan pisau".

kerja pun macam tu je la..biase2 je. tak da la rush hour sampai putus kepala...relaks.

makanan sedap...tu je yang best.

haa...nak sangat kan post baru..amek ko!

Selasa, 11 November 2008

mendisiplinkan bangsa?

i have a father, and he is a soldier (even though just wataniah). and as a soldier himself, he tend to be very strict to my siblings and me. first, i felt that he didn't love me at all, but i know why he do that later in my life.

every other religion teach how to do things right and doing a right thing. even when one have no believe in religion what so ever, human being still have conscience...and having conscience makes human know about what is wrong and what is right. when we was a kid, we always questioned why we get scold (or worse) when we returned late at home from the playground, when we always watching cartoons and not 'touching' the school books all day long. we were kids, we always enjoyed having fun. school books were the last thing we remember during weekends (for some of us).

but then, our parents always said that books is more important than doraemon or dragon ball, while we begged to differ. book not enjoyable compared to the latter.

that was our first encounter with the word 'discipline'. why it is so important? does conscience not enough? conscience come from discipline. the discipline come from ethics. who introduce ethics in this world? someone who was\is right enough to tell one is wrong and one is right, maybe?

discipline starts from home. it is the first education one has to endure, and that learning process will continue until the day we all die. maybe i'm more discipline than an older person but maybe a younger person is more discipline than i am. who knows? nowadays discipline is slowly eroding away from the society. individualism is taking place at pace. gone were the days when the older, wiser can give advises to the young generation without getting any harm. the usual words that came out from the mouth is "alah, awak pun bukan baik sangat nak tegur2 orang, macam bagus je".

the funny thing is, it is always not the best person who give the advises. i remember when i was about 9-10 years old or so, a 'mat pit' (that's a drug addict for u) told me never ever mingle with drugs, just like him. or else i will ended up like him.

getting advises or making yourself more discipline doesn't need to start with an older, wiser person. sometimes they don't even know what they are talking about. some counselors for me just talking trash, they just read by books and never experience it first hand. the best advises you can get, maybe from the person 'been there, done that'.

never afraid of getting comments or advises, it maybe helpful or it maybe dreadful. if you doubted the advises, still we have the conscience to determine whether the things\choices are right or wrong.

lastly..."betulkan yang biasa, biasakan yang betul"...i'm working on that, what say you?

Rabu, 5 November 2008

'stupid' is a mean word...'stupidest'?~

ARGGGGGHHHHHH~ two papers down in my 'finale' exam and i didnt quite like it...i've study a lot just to sit there and wondering..."aku nak jawab ape ni?" not that i'm not studying, for the first time in my bloody life i've stayed up until the wee hours of the morning...still, the outcome wasnt really good...and i really hope things will turn out to be better at the end of the day...

then, it got me thinking..."who the hell came out with the examination idea?". i've done a little research that 'examination' (in academic world) starts when the first school came to life...thousands and thousands years ago, when the first academy was built during Roman Empire heydays. but then, there were no OMR papers, no study week, nothing. in fact, the examination is continous. from the first day you enrolled until you roll-out.

currently, the examination is like two or three hour at most, you spilled out what you have studied last night and TADAAA~....wait until the results come out.

for me, it's not right...this type of examinations only work for those who have photographical memory, or really really desperate...this sort of exams only encourage plagiarism, and people always targetting wrong people.

yesterday, i've sat my finance paper where a girl bring a host of formulas into exam hall...and the invigilator targetting my friend behind friend wanna have a slice of info too,but the main sheep-headed moron is the girl...for me it's simple, if u dont know how to do it, just act like u dont know...never cheat.

continous valuations should replace the current scheme of is useless by the way to evaluate one's ability though...almost anyone can cheat.