Khamis, 28 Ogos 2008

Antara Pandai dan Bijaksana~

I totally overwhelmed by Tun Mahathir explanations about AUKU acts, The acts that he introduced back in 1974, when he was a Education Minister. Yes, I agree with almost every point he make...yes, almost.

There are certain things that are absolutely right about AUKU. Back in the '70s, not many professionals came from Malay families, only the better-offs and really2 brilliant people can afford tertiary education. And those brilliants came with a scholarships from Government, and i believe until now it still happening. So, the AUKU was presented so these Bumiputras, which is very low in supposed admission can really concentrate on their studies, rather than 'wasting' their time on the streets demonstrating for this and that.

Now, some of us believe that the AUKU should be abolished, including me actually. Why? Simply because we just create 'pandai' bumiputras, not 'bijaksana' bumiputras. The varsities students should be both 'pandai' and 'bijaksana', not just 'pandai' only. I've seen many 'pandai' people in my life. They come from various type of families. Malay, Chinese, Indian, KadazanDusun etc2.But to find a 'bijak' person, that was rare finding, really.

How we evaluate 'pandai'? By type of courses, the degrees or masters or even doctorate, the careers, the status of job etc2. Can we evaluate 'bijak' in the same manner? Of course the answer is not. Some professors can only talk about maths and physics all day but they stuttered when it come to politics and the well-being of their respective races or nations. They are not Jack of All Trades, only master in one field doesn't make you a 'bijak' person. 'Pandai'...maybe.

Actually, I was wrong. Not just we've created 'pandai' bumiputras only, but also non-bumis. Just look at the Malaysian Bar Council. It is stupid to say them not 'pandai' at all. They're lawyers and some of them are formers public prosecutors, degrees came from Harvard, Stanford and maybe Lincoln's Inn. And most of them are non-bumis. Still they act very un'bijaksana' recently by holding a forum called "Memeluk Islam". Are you 'bijaksana' when deliberately hurting other people feelings?

Put this in one basic situation. You don't fart in public. Why was that? Why dont you just let the gas out? It's your rights, right? But by doing it, you will become insensitive, irresponsible and anything suitable to describe how annoying you are. And you will be downright embarrassed. See...

Back to AUKU acts. Why i really agree that the acts should be demolish is because...the student become afraid, by-books, no-life creature. You can learn how to be 'pandai' by books, by lectures or whatever. But, in order to become 'bijak', you need to mingle with other people, from other races, different walks of life, different age or generation gap to know what kind of community we live in. Not because of politics i wrote this but because in the sense that i responsible too when my colleagues only have life with books and lectures notes. Other than that, Naruto and Kreko and maybe girlfriends/boyfriends having a picnic at Simpang Mengayau. What a boring life when a student like me, at this higher-learning level should done more with community, make themselves better because at the end, i'm the part of the community itself.

i don't like demonstrating, waste of time. And sometimes the demonstrators themselves didn't know for what or for whom they demonstrated. What a stupid excuses to run from a lecture. I don't come to lecture, just because i don't want to. But i like to write or give public speeches, it shows that I'm full of substances and not just 'poyo', shouting at the streets. Then maybe people around me will evaluate my thoughts, give enriching comments. That, i really sure, will enrich my thoughts too. I'm just 22 years old for god sake, and an extend student. I'm not that 'pandai', but what i crave is to be humane, 'bijak'...That's what matters most. everybody can be 'pandai', given hard work and a time frame. But 'bijak', you learn in life. You cant be 'bijak' when you don't have life..Is it?

AUKU acts just holding students back from being 'bijak'...If you dont want the students to un'pandai' by abolishing the AUKU, preserved it, but with major reconstruction. Still barred student from entering Political Demonstrations, but leave them to speak, to write their thoughts out. We need 'bijak' leaders in the future, not just 'pandai' only...

Rabu, 27 Ogos 2008

I Saw Her...Again~

What do you think? If I were u...I believe that the chemistry is there for the taking. But currently, none of us have the guts to speak to each other...Maybe what we need is a spark. Not a spark-plug laa~ but u know, a spark to get us started.

Maybe I'm SS (syok sendiri)...but what blushes means for a girl. or a woman? every time we stump to each other, she blushed when i smiled...she's so cute. call her overweight or what ever, but i like that kind of blush...makes me wanna blush too~

i totally like her...seriously. but one of my friend said that I'm becoming thoroughly desperate and distracted. i don't care. furthermore, this is my last semester here...i just wanna know her name, and god willing, having a small chit-chat with her...that's it.

i don't think we have time to take it to another level, so my aim is so low...yes, i like her, i like her, i like her...i can't stop thinking about that blush. What it supposed to mean? Is she lethargic? Penat sampai merah muka? or just shy when somebody smiled at her, even though it wasn't me? Maybe some women are like that, just tend to blush without knowing it. I believe, if she reading this blog, she doesn't know that she is the one who blush...

but today, she just smiled back! and I'm the one who blush...i thought sooo~ Do both of us like each other? Or she just happen to know that i like her that much? ohhh god, please help me...what was her thinking at that time? I need to know...such desperate and miserable I'm, until now, and maybe until i meet her again.

i don't wanna hide the truth that I'm desperate of her, I'm miserable...but i like the feeling. I like being miserable and desperate like this...Some people might say, "Why are u so miserable and desperate just because of a girl u barely even know?"...seriously, i don't have the answer for that.

maybe one day, when i was old and have children or grand-children, i have a story to tell to my young ones...i used to like one girl who blushed when i smiled...

Selasa, 26 Ogos 2008

Don't Get Me Started...

U know what...I hate UMS. Yes, u heard it right, I HATE UMS...Sorry to say, but if u are about to hire someone for a job..never hire a Sabahan. Period.

4 years i've been here and nothing's changed. The third-class mentality, together with third-class work ethic covered in a one big first class cover. It's like u are paying the business class seat in MAS for a seat in AirAsia flight...It is a case of style over substance, really.

People in Peninsula said that,"eii..untung ko kan...UMS kn lawa. Mesti hari2 pegi dating..", sorry folks but u are badly wrong. Being in UMS is such a hell-bent experience...being a state in an island (Borneo is a third largest island in the world), the weather is so unpredictable...u can have a burning hot day, rainy day and storm all in a period of 6 hours. And i always wish on that kind of day...i'll be cruising around in my car.

Unluckily, i can't use my car for i have to take a bus ride. And a bus ride from IP is the one u really want to avoid, seriously. Because UMS is like every other varsities in Malaysia, so the intake of female students are rocketing up during these past few years...and usually, we need to lock in the battle to enter the bus at the peak hour.

U know what...female students are far more superior than their male counterpart...KAMI PULAK YANG MALU, KAMU TAU TAK?! They use their most valueable 'assets' to get us cornered. The bus driver, the luckiest bastard alive because doing no work at all and still getting paid at the end of the month, always being bias to us...male student. Ko ingat perempuan tu nak tidor dengan ko ke kalo ko kasi dia naik bas dulu? Such a dumbass.

And this morning, particularly 9.30 a.m...i snapped. I've waited almost an hour for a bus to come. Then i have to stand up along the way to campus. When the bus arrived at SST, the bus seems want to move quickly from that bustop...and some dickheads entering the bus like there are no people are left to get out...then..WOI, STOP LA MANGKUK AKU NAK TURUN!!!...i yelled at the bus driver. Whole bus was so quiet...the bus driver stared at me..F u la, sekolah tak tinggi...

And then...CAN YOU ALL WAIT TILL ALL OF US GET OUT FIRST, SUCH A STUPID STUDENTS...i cursed the lot who enter the bus without waiting for all people get out first...some are staggered, some still tersenyum2 macam kerang busuk...Ikut kan hati, rasa nak tumbuk pun ada...Don't think i couldn't punch u just because u are a woman...seriously. Ask Julie Dahlia...

So, moral of the story is...don't get me started...i'm a swearing enthusiats and become foul-mouthed when i'm very, very angry...Don't say i didn't tell you.

Isnin, 11 Ogos 2008

no guts, no glory...or is it?

:: why sabah is soooo hot? especially at the sea... ::

adoii~ this week supposed to be a very tiring one for me. kawan2 nak konvo, both in Sabah and Semenanjung. but since i'm in Sabah and currently i'm working on my experiments, i think i have to attend my friends who will be here...Amir, Rihanna, Uncle, Mat, Cheng and many more (there's too many...and i'm too lazy to write) will be here. Cadangnya nak grad sama2, tapi biasa la...aku kan kurang rajin...satu sem amek 15 jam kredit je...hahaha~

too many changes in this particular U lately. Gone are the days where every student had to run here and there just to meet the lecturers. Email easy and simple. No wonder most of the student are getting fatter...and i'm afraid that will include me as well. Not many people i know in this U anymore. Only a handful, and i'm more shy than 3-4 years ago. I dont know why...

For example. I never having tough times starting a chit-chat with stranger, especially women. But this sem, i feel i'm so shy to communicate....kalo nak cakap dengan member pun balik2 beterabur je ayat. And now i'm staying in Indah Permai, that oh-i-am-so-shy syndrome would never help me at all...I always want to come here, where all the finest chicks are available...hahaha~

There's a girl i marked from the very beginning of this semester. She lives in IP, apparently and she got that oh-so-cute smile and she tend to blush when i smile at her...Annoyingly, i never talk to her...and i think i need the guts of Achilles to say 'hi!' to her...oh, where's my courage gone? Gone together with Rihanna, my so-skinny-ex girlfriend? c'mon...she didn't love me now...and i don't love her. enough guts no glory eh? i hope that girl have guts to start a conversation with me...hahahaha~

:: please, i don't wanna go to the open sea again...::

Jumaat, 8 Ogos 2008

how hard can it be?

well, nothing really...i just encountered some old boffins at SST and they seems like to be very unprofessional...they tend to get their head over everything, panas baran tak bertempat...

How hard could it be to curb your anger...if i can do it, why can you?

Ahad, 3 Ogos 2008

500 bucks shopping spree~

:: i smell good~ ::

what do you expect when a guy when shopping? yes, we shopping very rarely, very seldomly...but we spent alot, and things we bought were still in our budget-line...i think so~

well, let's recap on what i bought this weekend. i bought a solvi titus pair of glasses, a bottle of acqua di gio 350ml (i dont really remember, what i know it is the same perfume i bought all over again), and a present for a very special lady in my life...she doesnt want to be called as girlfriend, so i call her woman-friend (bleh?)...all i can say that the present is very small, and in her favorite people say that, smaller things costs you more...well, i think the my present is bespoke with the do need diamond rings with to close the deal with woman (sorry la mr.Big, i stole your words...)...but p.s, i'm still single..ok? Dont make a speculation about us!

the more important bits this weekend is that i watched 'Sex and The City' twice! haha~ Very funny indeed, me myself i cant believe i watch that particular movie twice. I never watch a movie twice, apart from movies in my laptop which i watched all over again every other time...For your information, i'm a big fan of this movie because i watched the series until the end of it about 4-5 years ago. At that time, i'm still so young and struggling to understand why those educated women (Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Sam) have so much trouble in finding true love...sometimes it is not hard when you take one thing at a time but being 'educated', those girls tend to freak-out when problems come around...the problems is not their men, but sometimes lies within themselves.

Until now, i still believe that womans' worst enemy are their bestfriends...gilrfriends. sorry girls, but that's how things panned out. Yes, they are the one you can turn to when you are in trouble...That's ironic, You put your head on the person who give you problems' shoulder. The first time i watched the movie, i felt bad being a was so sad that Big didnt have guts to marry Carrie, but things like this do happen. Because after marriage, it is the husband who take the beating alot...and we never tell, hoping our woman already knew. We never act like girls, saying every other time that we should understand, or try, or try to learn understand their feelings...oh no~

Second time i watched that movie...i learn that love is all around. Choose the best. And the thing, the most important thing in this movie is...shit happen. Dont care how much you love, how much you care...we tend to screwed it up. Even at the very last minute, the moment of truth. We can deny that fact.

Women said that men have big ego, and it echoes thru my head every now n then...Then i ask, why our ego is so unspeakable you girls always talk about it? How about yours? Do you ever give a thought about it? to curb it? rather than blaming male egos? Yes, i have ego...a big one. But not as big as some girls i met before. And they rather talk about us...our ego, our this and that. Do you understand us? since that femalution (female-revolution), women never understand us. I bet you dont know. We are also human, we make mistakes but that doesnt give you license to punish us...We punish ourselves more than you could think, besides those jerks who called themselves a 'man'...

You must know how to differentiate a man and a man-wannabe. They are different. Me? i'm still in-progress...i really hope my 'Carrie' will love my 'diamond ring'...I cant afford Manolo Blahnik, but a bitten apple should do fine for belly,haha~

:: ever thine, ever mine, ever ours~ ::